It is time to teach your sons to man up. I’m not talking about making them macho, just responsible, contributors to society. The manly man focus introduced through Wild at Heart by John Eldridge, in my opinion, has done almost as much damage to Christian young men as Purity Culture has done to young women. The difference is there may also be a link to Christian Nationilism resulting from the Eldridge work.

Poor, delicate, little snowflakes. America, we have created a generation of helpless children that might look like adults, but lack the basic skills necessary to survive without mommy and daddy hovering over and protecting them. I recently listened for a second time to a podcast by Dr. Jeff Iorg, President of Gateway Seminary in Ontario, California that he called, “Man Card.”

Iorg encouraged parents, specifically Christians, to focus to making their children, especially their sons, responsible adults no matter how difficult it may be for all concerned.​ He lamented the ‘prolonged adolescence’ resulting from overprotective parents.

To make his point he described a new course offered by the University of California at Berkeley. Before continuing, consider this. California, along with a number of other states, allows 16 year-olds to register or pre-register to vote. And yet, college-aged young adults, at least in California, apparently need a class to know how to function in the grown-up world.

The course, Psychology 198, was called ‘Adulting.’ A grade of pass/no pass was awarded. (Apparently failure is not a part of the Berkeley adulting world). Perhaps that is why it filled up so quickly. Seems sort of like a trophy for participation, but that’s what many have come to expect.

Regardless, the course description used these words to describe the need for it. “The school system does not require a class for students to learn how to live in the real world and function as an adult. We often enter college unprepared to take care of ourselves.” Wow! Old enough to vote, buy a car, obtain a credit card and register to be drafted into military service, but unable to take care of themselves?

Is it any wonder politicians who resemble indulgent parents appeal to that demographic. It may also be why some parents must obtain a court order to remove adult children from the family home? I concur with UC Berkeley about schools not creating responsible adults.

Even more, I concur with Dr. Iorg that schools never had that responsibility. Parents do! It is time parents quit coddling their children, especially their sons. Learning to navigate the ‘real world’ should begin in elementary school not college or graduate school. 

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